Happiness: My Colorful and Fun Photo-Op Experience at Happy Place in Chicago

Happiness: My Colorful and Fun Photo-Op Experience at Happy Place in Chicago

What is happiness? Internet search engines define happiness as “the state of being happy”. But of course.   And that was exactly what I see in this family of four I happened to meet in Sky Deck Chicago. While in line for the obligatory Sky Deck pictures, a blue-eyed cute boy started chatting with me.

Cute little boy: “How are you?”

Me: “I am good. And you”

Cute little boy: I am not just good. I am happy because I went to a happy place today.”

Me: “To where?”

Cute little boy’s mom: “It’s a fun and interesting photo-op place here in Chicago called Happy Place.”

Judging the happiness I see in the little boy’s eyes, I pulled out my phone and started googling for the “Happy Place”.  Located in 1004 N Elston Avenue in Chicago, Happy Place is a pop-up rooms decorated with fun and bright colors. And of course, with happiness! Without further ado, to Happy Place I go!

Happy Place opened in Los Angeles in 2017.  Thankfully, Happy Place wants to spread happiness and decided to take it on a world tour. Making its way from L.A. to Chicago, I was lucky enough to be in the Windy City for my own Happy Place experience. Unfortunately, the Happy Place exhibition in Chicago ends on September 3rd. So, what are you waiting for?

My Happy Place Experience in Chicago

I visited Happy Place in Chicago on August 19th at 11:00 in the morning. Thankfully, it was not a busy considering I went on a Sunday. Give and take, the wait was probably less than 15 minutes. Please note that parking is limited, thus, valet is the way to go. Downside is, it will cost you $12. Additionally, tickets to Happy Place cost $30 on weekdays and $35 on weekends. Please note that reservation and payment could only be made online. Click here to book.

Famous Sayings and Quotes about Happiness

www.rauvitravels.com/happiness-photoop-happy-place-chicago/“I’ve taken my destiny into my own hands and I’m in a HAPPY PLACE”. – Charlie Simpson

And if you ask me where is my happy place,  I’d say my children’s arms, my house and my bed.


www.rauvitravels.com/happiness-photoop-happy-place-chicago/“A happy heart comes first, then the happy face.” -Shania Twain

So true.  I am smiling because my heart is full of joy and happiness.


www.rauvitravels.com/happiness-photoop-happy-place-chicago“Money can’t buy happiness, but it can buy fabulous shoes and that’s kind of the same thing, right?” -Unknown

Unfortunately, I have what you call an ‘Imeldific’ disease. Yes, it’s bad. Hey, what can I do? Shoes makes me happy too.


“Happiness is like a kiss. You must share it to enjoy it.” -Unknown

Thankfully, I love kisses. Therefore, I so agree.


“There is a certain happiness in being silly and ridiculous.” -Unknown

Honestly, it’s really fun to act silly and stupid sometimes. LOL.


“Happiness is……… lollipops and candy”. -Unknown

Actually, I don’t have a sweet tooth. I rarely splurge on sweets but I’m still happy.


“Happiness is in the simplest things… Jump, laugh. live and enjoy your life.” -Unknown

True. Hence, I jump, laugh and enjoy life at the fullest.


www.rauvitravels.com/happiness-photoop-happy-place-chicago“Happiness is letting go of what you think your life is supposed to look like and celebrating it for everything that it is.” -Mandy Hale

Regardless, life is always beautiful whether it’s turned upside down.


www.rauvitravels.com/happiness-photoop-happy-place-chicago“Don’t expect only happiness in your life. There are going to be dark times, but remember that stars needs darkness to shine.” -Unknown

Oddly, I am always grateful for the adversities I went through. Without them, I will never know how strong of a woman I am.


www.rauvitravels.com/happiness-photoop-happy-place-chicago“If you want to life a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.” -Albert Einstein

Inarguably, this quote from a brilliant man is so true. And I learned it the hardest way possible.


“Be silly. Be fun. Be different. Be you, because life is too short to be anything but happy.” -Unknown

No caption needed. LOL.


“Happiness is a choice. You can choose to be happy. There’s going to be stress in life, but it’s your choice whether you let it affect you or now.” -Valerie Bertinelli

I choose to be happy. I love being happy. It’s the most awesome feeling in the world.

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