3-day Guided Havasu Falls Hike: Costly but Worthy

3-day Guided Havasu Falls Hike: Costly but Worthy

My 3-day guide hike to Havasu Falls is  probably my most costly hiking trip ever.  And by far my most challenging hike to date. Not only that, it was almost a ‘spur-of-the-moment’ thing. No regrets, though. My hike to Havasu Falls is one of the best trips I’ve taken in my lifetime. I’m writing this blog so you can learn from my experience. That you can definitely get the best Havasu experience, just like I had, without breaking your bank account.

It started with love-at-first-sight turned into an obsession kind of thing. I fell in love with the beauty of Havasu Falls the very moment I saw it online.  Then, I started researching on how to get there. I mean, how to get there ASAP. Bad news is, Havasu Falls permit is one difficult permit to get. Literally, one has to apply for Havasu Falls permit 6-12 months ahead of the intended hike date. Furthermore, your chance to reserve for a spot online is almost as good as slim to none. And getting someone on the phone is like playing hide-and-seek. Of course, that won’t work for an impatient person like me. LOL.

And by the way, to make matter worst, my obsession to hike to Havasu Falls worsen each day. Thankfully though, I found a way how to get around it. That is, to contact a tour guide company and go on a guided hike to Havasu Falls. To sum it up, my obsession costs me $1255+ guided tour fee excluding my airfare, car rental and other miscellaneous.

So, what is the morale of the story? Sounds cliché, but the saying ‘patience is a virtue’ never gets old. Patience could save you thousands of dollars too. LOL. Kidding aside though, I know my hike to Havasu cost a LOT. But, trust me, I would have not have it the other way. My hike to Havasu was beyond amazing I’d say it was a money well-spent.

My Amazing 3-day Hiking and Backpacking Trip to Havasu Falls

3-day Guided Havasu Falls Hike: Costly but Worthy

I spent the night before the hiking trip at Canyon Lodge in Seligman, Arizona. Our tour guide from Pygmy Tour Company picked us up at 0700. There were 5 of us in the group plus our guide of course. After hours of driving, we finally arrived at Hualapai Hilltop. This is the start and end base for all hikes to Havasu Falls. Parking is free but limited. There is a bathroom available to use for free.

The first one mile and a half of the hike is descending down a mountain hiking through the never-ending rocky and sandy trails. Thankfully, you will be hiking with beautiful views along the way; canyons, rock formations, creek, river, etc.

The Tale of my Epic Hike to Havasu Falls

By the way, before I forget,  please get out-of-the-way when you see a barren of mules and horses. Supposedly, hiking trails are to be shared. Interestingly, not in Havasupai.  Havasupai is perhaps one of the very few places on Earth where people do not have the right of way. LOL. If not, be ready to be dragged down and along by the mules and the horses.

Yup, I was running away for my life. LOL.


Finally, I’m almost there after hiking for what seems to be like forever.

3-day Guided Havasu Falls Hike: Costly but Worthy


Unfortunately, the beating, I mean, the hiking doesn’t end here.  Seriously, after hiking for almost 8 miles at this point, I was ready to die. At least, that’s how it felt like. My impending death however was interrupted as I got closer to Supai village. This little village has one hotel/motel, grocery store, post office, school, church, helipad and more.

3-day Guided Havasu Falls Hike: Costly but Worthy
It’s so fascinating to look at Wigleeva. Legend has it that these two stone pillars overlooking the village are tasked to keep them safe.


Finally, after 12 miles and almost 5 hours of hiking, we reached the base camp. The final stretch of the hike, which is about one mile, is where I struggled the most. Literally, at this point, I had to be dragged down up and down the hill to our campsite. In addition to exhaustion, the scorching heat of Arizona in June was too much to bear. Thankfully, I made it to the camp ground alive.

3-day Guided Havasu Falls Hike: Costly but Worthy3-day Guided Havasu Falls Hike: Costly but Worthy


Up to this day, my boss still thinks I’m crazy for doing all that hiking. So, why did I put myself through that trouble and near-death experience? Scroll down to see why…

Havasu Falls

This is what I came for, to see the famous blue-green water of Havasu.


Mooney Falls

3-day Guided Havasu Falls Hike: Costly but Worthy


Fifty Foot Falls

So, what are you guys waiting for? Like, share and subscribe to my blog. And after that, start planning your own Havasu Falls adventure. Hopefully, my 3-day guided Havasu Falls Hike blog could help you in your future planning. More tips coming soon. Happy travels!

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