August 2015

Rauvi: The Wanderer

About Me
My name is Rauvi and I am a Filipino-American. I am originally from the beautiful country of 7,107 islands. I was born and raised in the beautiful archipelago, Philippines. In 2007 however, I made the biggest move in my life and settled in the big State of Texas, specifically in Dallas, my second home. I guess you can say that I’m a big Dallas Mavs and Dallas Cowboys fan.

I didn’t really start traveling until I was 24 years old. But when I did, it was ‘love-at-first-fly’. It was my lay-overs in Guam and Hawaii that I first realized how much I wanted to see more of the world. I just fell in love with it! And with my new-found love in ‘wandering’, I consequently made it my bucket list to visit all 50 states of America. So far, I have traveled to 36 US states with 14 left to complete.

I’ve also since traveled to many beautiful provinces in my native country which I never thought such stunning places ever existed. And yes, it’s a shame that I haven’t realized how beautiful my home country is until I left it… And it is such a shame that I have to travel more or less 24 hours just to enjoy its beauty.

However though, I didn’t really realize the ‘Wanderlust’ in me until my trip to some parts of Europe last year. I fell more in love with traveling as I walked the royal ambience of London streets and as I explored the classic beauty of the city of love, Paris. It was amazing!

I love to travel. I love being in an unfamiliar place. I love discovering new things. I love meeting people and learning different cultures. I love trying out different exotic and traditional cuisines. I love being asked for directions by other tourists like ‘I’m not a tourist myself’, LOL. It might sound strange but I even enjoyed the time when my friend and I got lost in Paris. Traveling is fun! If I could sum up the many reasons why and what I love about traveling, it’d be………..

“To my mind, the greatest reward and luxury of travel is to be able to experience everyday things as if for the first time, to be in a position in which almost nothing is so familiar it is taken for granted.” – Bill Bryson

When I don’t travel, you’d find me in Dallas enjoying my 3 beautiful children, painting, joining fun runs, trying out local restaurants, shopping and working. I am a practicing inpatient and outpatient Psychiatric and Mental Health Nurse Practitioner in the Dallas area. I love my job as it allows me to travel and see the world.  So come and travel the world with me!

Disclaimer:  Let it be known that  this is my personal blog; all views and posts are my own and do not reflect that of my employer or the company that I work for.